to ask a blessing
Honoring the Triple Goddess, Maiden, Mother and Crone, “To Ask A Blessing” is imbued in “The Old Ways” of Celtic Mysticism and prays in Gaelic and English for a healing in our souls and upon the land, seas and wind as the incarnate presence of the Divine Feminine.
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Priestess Baloterah:
“The dawn awakens!
With the coming of the light
is the coming of the sacred flame
Which burnishes Earth, Water and Sky
with the eternal force of life.
This is your birth
of your transformed spirit,
From the womb of life.
Open your arms to the first breeze.
This is the renewed breath of your Mother, the land.”
Sung in English:
“Mother, we ask you, for a blessing
in our souls.
Bridgit, Goddess!”
“Maiden, we ask you, for a healing
in our hearts.
Bridgit, Goddess!
Priestess and Priests:
“Grandmother, we ask you
for peace on Earth, your Sacred Body.”
“Bless us!
Heal us!
Sanctify us!
Purify us!”
Priestesses and Priests:
“Bridgit, Sacred Goddess, Maiden, Mother, Crone!”
“A Mhathair, iarraimid beannacht ar na tailte agus na fairrgi seo, Brighid.”
English Translation
“Mother, we ask you for a blessing on these lands and seas, Bridgit.”
“A Mhaighdean iarraimid orr ar geroithe a leigheas Brighid.”
“Maiden, we ask you for a healing in our hearts, Bridgit.”
Baloterah and Priest:
“A Mhathair-Mhor, iarraimid orr siochan don tsaol, le do chorp naofa.”
Baloterah and Priest:
“Grandmother, we ask you for Peace on Earth, your sacred body.”
“Beannaigh, leigheas! Beannaigh sinn!”
“Bless Us! Heal us!”
Priestesses and Priests:
“Brighid! Agus! Coinnigh sinn! Saor o pheacadh!”
Priestesses and Priests:
“Bridgit! Santify us! Purify us!”
Sung in English
“Mother, we ask you for a blessing on these lands and seas. Bridgit, Goddess!”
“Maiden, we ask you for a healing in our hearts, Bridgit, Goddess!”
Priestesses and Priests:
“Grandmother, we ask you for Peace on Earth, your sacred body.”
“Bless us!
Heal us!
Sanctify us!
Purify us!”
Priestesses and Priests:
Sacred Goddess,
Maiden, Mother, Crone!”
© ℗ 1995, 2024 Grayhawk David Gibney – Subspace Music BMI